Monday, November 17, 2008

Heavenly Promptings

I will be teaching the Relief Society lesson the first Sunday in December on how the temple blesses our lives. I went through old journal entries and found this for my lesson that also has a synchronicity about it. 
5 April 1992: Tuesday last week was the Relief Society temple trip to Frankfurt. I wanted to go, but was worried about being so far away with Rich in the states [we were in Heidelberg and he was stateside looking for a house to buy in Texas] in case the kids had any trouble at school. Vanessa wasn't happy about having to stay at kindergarten all day either. I decided to make the preparations needed to go, as I had felt impressed to put Mom and Rich's names on the prayer roll. I left it that if Vanessa was ok about going to school in the morning, I'd go. She woke up all smiles and picked out a stuffy for nap-time at school, so off I went. I had a great visit with Beth Jepson, Juel Hann and Geneva Sanders, who also went, and enjoyed the session. That night, Rich called to say he'd had a terribly discouraging day on Monday. The Summit, where we'd wanted to build a home, was rocky and had drainage problems. The houses we'd picked out weren't as nice as we had thought. Then Tuesday (while I was in the temple) he went to a new area and found exactly what we wanted. He got a nice lot with trees near the elementary and middle schools and another house plan that would work well for us. The lots were going fast, and he got the best lot just ahead of someone else who wanted it. 
Then Wednesday afternoon, my mom called to say she just had to tell me how marvelous she felt today after having a miserable last few days. I am so grateful for the promptings of the Spirit and the blessings of the temple.

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