Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Do you have a favorite number? Do you see it everywhere? Does it hold special meaning? I don't go in for numerology, per se, but our family (husband) has had a "relationship" with the number 33 for awhile now. I realize there are others who also see significance in this particular number as can be explored here, and I would often have encounters with 33 myself, but lately I've been thinking that 11 (or 11:11) is actually "my" number...
I'd been seeing 11:11 frequently and it always seems to give me pause, but I didn't know why. Here's an excerpt from an article by Uri Geller that seems to put my feelings into words:

For many years the numbers 11:11 have been mysteriously appearing to people all over the world. Often appearing on digital clocks, the sightings of 11:11 tend to occur during times of heightened awareness, having a most powerful effect on the people involved. This causes a reactivation of our cellular memory banks. There’s a stirring deep inside, a hint of remembrance of something long forgotten. The appearance of 11:11 is also a powerful confirmation that we are on the right track, aligned with our highest Truth. Throughout the years, I have personally encountered thousands of people all over the world who, have experienced repeated sightings of 11:11. They all want to know what is happening to them and why. What does the 11:11 signify?...
When the 11:11 appears to you, it is your wake-up call. A direct channel opens up between you and the Invisible. When this happens, it is time to reflect on whatever you are doing for a moment and Look Larger. ...You can enter the Greater Reality if you wish pray or meditate and seed your future and also, you can be seeded by the Invisible. You can ask for help in some specific area of your life or simply listen quietly and receive a revelation. The appearance of 11:11 is an always beneficial act of Divine Intervention telling you that it is time to take a good look around you and see what is really happening. It’s time to pierce the veils of illusion that keep us bound to an unreal world. You have been chosen, because you are ready, to step into the Greater Reality. To lead the way for others into a new way of living, into a Greater Love. To ascend from duality into Oneness.
The 11.11 is the bridge to our vitality and oneness. It is our pathway into the positive unknown and beyond.

We call them G-D Winks. Some may say it is just a coincidence, but if seeing a particular number (33, 11, et. al.) provides the above stimulus for reflection and openness to inspiration, I am keeping my eyes (and mind) opened.

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