Tuesday, March 8, 2011

E Tu?

I was facilitating the Chamber Networking Breakfast this morning and had to make the announcement that the Forum lunch would be held next Tuesday, March 15th....So I said, "Be at the Forum on the Ides of March..." How cool is that?? Well, I thought it was a rare opportunity...

(This is a photo I took of the EXACT place Caesar was assassinated in Rome..)                                                                                         

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Timely Tip

Went to the Dr. this morning and got some hydrocortisone drops for ear irritation. He suggested I buy "Swimmer's Ear" drops OTC for use after swimming to keep the ear canal dry. "Or," he said, "You can probably just make up your own solution--it's just vinegar and rubbing alcohol." After I left I realized I'd forgotten to ask him the solution percentages for the two ingredients...
Hours later, at work, I'd forgotten about it, but picked up an old (July 2010) Good Housekeeping magazine that just got donated to the book sale this afternoon. Thumbing through, I found there on page 35 "Swimmer's Solution" --an article that gave the mix for the DIY solution: "half white vinegar and half rubbing alcohol." What are the odds? Thank you, GH!

Time Traveler's Apprentice goes live

History Book Lesson
Only one degree of separate on this claim to fame! Kelly is my sister. I did the cover art for her book, and taught her the "secret" recipe for Thieves...